Hey guys and gals (Clint, here),
So... Ill just get right to it. Recently I was called by the Samaritan Counseling Center to be the Director/Coordinator for two programs! One is called "Heart for Heroes," I will be working with Active Duty military members or Veteran's and their families in all walks of life. There is a long list of things I can do, but I will not bore you with the details or terms, but I will say that this community here, in Shreveport, and throughout the country, needs to be reached and helped in a BIG way. The second program is called "Clergy and Congregation Care'. It will be designed to help Pastor's and Congregations in all sorts of amazing and fun ways. I will be providing support, counseling, consulting, and group education for Churches and community groups. I will also be educating and teaching the community and Churches on being first responder's to PTSD and other psychological struggles that people face in our communities and congregations. This has all happened very fast and I have been blessed to have been able to work this job on the side with my full time job as a Marriage and Family Therapist doing in home family therapy for the Multi-Sytemic Model here in Shreveport. Right now with Samaritan, we are doing a lot of public relations work and attempting to get these programs off and running. I don't know what God will do with this in the future, but I am willing to risk and trust that whatever it is it will be glorifying to Him and will lead the broken to Christ's Healing love. This is an amazing opportunity and we are in awe of how God has prepared me for this.
I have been to Seminary, I am a Military Veteran, and I am a Marriage and Family Therapist! Who would have thought that all of these things would be put together and that God would have designed a job perfectly suited to those three things! I am speechless still and in awe of how God has such a huge view of our lives and we can only see tiny parts. I can now look back on a lot of hard work, pain, and sacrifice and realize that God had it under control this whole time. Along the way I knew that and trusted in that, but to be on this end of it I am still shocked and dumbfounded at how much I do not deserve any of this and yet God continues to shower and bless us anyway.
My last message is about this past weekend. I decided that I really felt that with this new position and work with Churches and Pastors I needed to step it up a notch, so I decided that I would make it official and become an Ordained Minister as well. This process is not easy, but God made it so once again. The service was this weekend October the 7th and let me tell you God was there and once again showed off big time :)
My Pastor from high school, Steve Speer, my Uncle Jeff, and a family friend Brother Kevin Boles did an amazing service and made it personal and special for me and my family. Molly Jo Johnson sang "Alive" by Natalie Grant and just WOW is all I can say. One of my favorite parts of the whole ceremony was when my Dad asked if he could say a few things. Now my Dad is not a public speaker and suffers from anxiety and heart trouble, so for him to even attempt to speak in front of a group of people is a SACRIFICE in and of itself. He said that he must have gotten the Holy Spirit because what followed was truly amazing. He stood in front of my family and friends and was vulnerable, loving, kind, and humble. He spoke of being proud of me and of his thankfulness in my sacrifices for him and to him. He told some stories about teaching me to ride a bike and of how arguing with a psychologist or therapist can be difficult :), but that we always work it out for God's glory! He called me a man he is proud of and he shed a few tears and a big hug! Now I am not going to say all he said and I cannot express the thanks I have for the support he gave in that moment, but it was truly a God thing. It was as if God said to me directly "Thank you Clint for being obedient here is a little taste of how good I am when you follow what I ask. My yoke truly is easy!!" I mean I am again humbled by how great God is and by how faithful is is to those of us who love Him. All Glory and Honor and Praise be to Him!! I am so thankful for my family and community support and for all of you who have been there over the years and those who will continue to be there in the future. I hope that I can continue to make my family and God proud so that on the day I kneel before Him, He will say, "Well done, my good and faithful servant!"
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Monday, September 24, 2012
Busy Blessed Life
Goodness! Busy times! It has been so long since I have visited the ole blog! It seems like every free second I have I am trying to shove myself with nutrients so I can take another step to finish my next task! All amazing blessings that we are busy with, but nonetheless...BUSY!
I do not even know where to begin to catch up most of you!
Clint started his new job the last week in August. He is the Director of Hearts for Hero's and Director of Clergy Care for the Samaritan Counseling Center here in Shreveport, LA. He is also still working as an MST (Multi-Systemic Therapist) for Louisiana Methodist Children's Home. He is obviously busy working 2 jobs, however so blessed to have both. We both feel that God has been preparing him for quite some time for his new job. (Still trying to get him on here to tell y'all what the new job is...)
I am still working as a Dietitian at Pierremont Healthcare Center. I am still actively seeking employment elsewhere, but I am embracing where God has me right now and trying every day to be thankful that I have a job. I am also trying every day to understand why I am there and making sure I try and impact those around me as much as possible.
We are blessed beyond belief with the Hopkins B-Group (Sunday School class) and our Bible Study. We have met so many amazing people and we have a community of friends that I never thought was possible! We asked for it and God has poured out loving people all around us. This makes us busy every night of the week, but who can turn down amazing community support??? Not this couple!
We are LOVING having our Brother and Sister in law here! (Clint's Sister). We love being able to see our nieces at the drop of a hat. They have gotten plugged into our church very quickly, made friends, and are fitting in wonderfully!
Addie celebrated her 7th birthday this week! I cannot believe she is 7! Blows my mind. I have a SMALL INSIGNIFICANT glimpse of how quickly "children" grow up before your eyes. I feel like it was yesterday that I brought her home with me. So strange!
Currently we are praying and challenging ourselves with being obedient to God. Our church is raising money for an expansion to one of our worship centers. Our church has been DEBT FREE since 2002!! And they are going to continue to be debt free. So, we have been asked to pray for 40 days, a series of prayers, and challenge ourselves as a family to give until it hurts. Clint and I aren't sure what that looks like right now for us, but we are really praying and seeking God to show us/stretch us to be obedient to Him and what he wants us to give. The campaign is called, "To All Generations". All I can think about is: if just one person can feel as loved as I do right now with what we have been blessed with through this church, then I want to give until it hurts. I want all generations to be able to come to this place of worship to feel loved, accepted, and learn more about Christ then go on to be missionaries and tell others about His love as well.
With all that being said, it is difficult. I truly believe I want to give till it hurts, but there is also a little girl voice inside of me that really wants some chairs to go around my DR table...and some lamps....and a Master Bed...but all of those things will come. And do I want it to come at a price of someone's possible salvation? We are stewards/borrowers of the money God has given us. It is not ours; it is His. He is trusting that we are doing the right thing with our money. Does that mean we cannot have nice things? No. Not at all. But it does mean to seek His provision and get your priorities in check.
So, that is where we are right now. Trying to pray and see where God is leading us financially. Such a great challenge God is bringing us through.
We have gotten to do some pretty amazing update to the house though! Mom came the second weekend in September and MADE my kitchen and Den curtains. 4 FULL days of sewing from 8am-9/10PM! Mother of the year award. She worked her booty off for us! (I will put up pictures soon!!) It looks incredible.
Also, we are re-doing the front walk-way. Clint and CJ have really been busting their booties on that.
Mr. Tracy (Clint's step-dad) is in the process of building us a built-in bench for the b'fast room and 2 built in bookcases for the den! So, we have A LOT of projects going on!
Again, I will post picture probably late October/November! Y'all have to remember I don't have a smart phone!!
1. Dustin Wiley, Brother-in-law is CANCER FREE!!! WOOHOOOOO
2. Praises for an amazing community that God has blessed us with.
3. Praises for Pumpkin Spice Latte time!
1. Clint's Dad had another heart attack last week. Please pray for his recovery.
2. Continued prayers for my job situation.
That is my quick update for now! Hopefully I will be able to add more sooner than later with some awesome pictures!! Love to all!
I do not even know where to begin to catch up most of you!
Clint started his new job the last week in August. He is the Director of Hearts for Hero's and Director of Clergy Care for the Samaritan Counseling Center here in Shreveport, LA. He is also still working as an MST (Multi-Systemic Therapist) for Louisiana Methodist Children's Home. He is obviously busy working 2 jobs, however so blessed to have both. We both feel that God has been preparing him for quite some time for his new job. (Still trying to get him on here to tell y'all what the new job is...)
I am still working as a Dietitian at Pierremont Healthcare Center. I am still actively seeking employment elsewhere, but I am embracing where God has me right now and trying every day to be thankful that I have a job. I am also trying every day to understand why I am there and making sure I try and impact those around me as much as possible.
We are blessed beyond belief with the Hopkins B-Group (Sunday School class) and our Bible Study. We have met so many amazing people and we have a community of friends that I never thought was possible! We asked for it and God has poured out loving people all around us. This makes us busy every night of the week, but who can turn down amazing community support??? Not this couple!
We are LOVING having our Brother and Sister in law here! (Clint's Sister). We love being able to see our nieces at the drop of a hat. They have gotten plugged into our church very quickly, made friends, and are fitting in wonderfully!
Addie celebrated her 7th birthday this week! I cannot believe she is 7! Blows my mind. I have a SMALL INSIGNIFICANT glimpse of how quickly "children" grow up before your eyes. I feel like it was yesterday that I brought her home with me. So strange!
Currently we are praying and challenging ourselves with being obedient to God. Our church is raising money for an expansion to one of our worship centers. Our church has been DEBT FREE since 2002!! And they are going to continue to be debt free. So, we have been asked to pray for 40 days, a series of prayers, and challenge ourselves as a family to give until it hurts. Clint and I aren't sure what that looks like right now for us, but we are really praying and seeking God to show us/stretch us to be obedient to Him and what he wants us to give. The campaign is called, "To All Generations". All I can think about is: if just one person can feel as loved as I do right now with what we have been blessed with through this church, then I want to give until it hurts. I want all generations to be able to come to this place of worship to feel loved, accepted, and learn more about Christ then go on to be missionaries and tell others about His love as well.
With all that being said, it is difficult. I truly believe I want to give till it hurts, but there is also a little girl voice inside of me that really wants some chairs to go around my DR table...and some lamps....and a Master Bed...but all of those things will come. And do I want it to come at a price of someone's possible salvation? We are stewards/borrowers of the money God has given us. It is not ours; it is His. He is trusting that we are doing the right thing with our money. Does that mean we cannot have nice things? No. Not at all. But it does mean to seek His provision and get your priorities in check.
So, that is where we are right now. Trying to pray and see where God is leading us financially. Such a great challenge God is bringing us through.
We have gotten to do some pretty amazing update to the house though! Mom came the second weekend in September and MADE my kitchen and Den curtains. 4 FULL days of sewing from 8am-9/10PM! Mother of the year award. She worked her booty off for us! (I will put up pictures soon!!) It looks incredible.
Also, we are re-doing the front walk-way. Clint and CJ have really been busting their booties on that.
Mr. Tracy (Clint's step-dad) is in the process of building us a built-in bench for the b'fast room and 2 built in bookcases for the den! So, we have A LOT of projects going on!
Again, I will post picture probably late October/November! Y'all have to remember I don't have a smart phone!!
1. Dustin Wiley, Brother-in-law is CANCER FREE!!! WOOHOOOOO
2. Praises for an amazing community that God has blessed us with.
3. Praises for Pumpkin Spice Latte time!
1. Clint's Dad had another heart attack last week. Please pray for his recovery.
2. Continued prayers for my job situation.
That is my quick update for now! Hopefully I will be able to add more sooner than later with some awesome pictures!! Love to all!
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
We Can't Do It Alone.
Do you not know? Have you not heard?
Yahweh is the everlasting God, the Creator of the whole Earth.
He never grows faint or weary; there is no limit to His understanding.
He gives strength to the weary and strengthens the powerless.
Youths may faint and grow weary, and young men stumble and fall,
but those who trust in the Lord, will renew their strength;
they will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary;
they will walk and not faint.
Isiah 40:28-31
When you begin to rely on yourself or your spouse to make you feel better or to fix all of the problems that are going on, things can get hard. Actually, they get even harder than they were before and you wonder why because all you are trying to do is make things better. That is why God calls upon us to trust in Him. He calls us to get our renewed strength, rest, hope, and faith in Him. No one else.
How exhausting to try to refresh and renew your own spirit. That is what I have been trying to do for the last 3 weeks. Yes, we have had A LOT going on, as I explained in our last post, but we were trying to fix all of our own problems!
And, of course, we were miserably failing!
I just flipped back to our last post and read where we were asking for prayers for us to receive a restful spirit and to have patience. That is exactly what has happened over the last 5 days! God brought Clint and I back to reality last Friday when we encouraged one another to really open up God's word and just divulge in it. Submerse ourselves in God's word, because that is the only thing that was going to renew our spirit.
God really moved through us this past weekend. We had some great conversations with some friends in our community/B-Group. God is really transforming us through our Bible Study(s) and creating/establishing relationship that are going to be everlasting. God restored our hope and faith this weekend and we are so grateful.
It is kind of like working out. Whenever you are in the gym, you feel so good and restored and whole. When you quit for a week or so, you feel like mush and you feel terrible about yourself; beating yourself up about the food choices you are making, etc.
When you are in the word of God, it is unlike anything else. You have your shield on and covering your heart. Scripture is pumping through your heart and veins and protecting you against the next strike against you. You aren't so defensive and on edge. You quit being so selfish and "wordly" thinking. You aren't so burned out to where you are biting everyone's head off around you.
We knew that we needed to be restored and rested to make it another hour through another day. And we thank God for his restoration because we were prepared to face Monday...
Monday morning I walk into my nursing home to find out that State was in the building and we were having our annual review. For those of you who know LTC, this is the big one. You have to have everything perfect. You do not leave the building until everything is perfect and complete. So..that is what I have been doing the past 48 hours. Working. A lot of hours...I cannot believe it is only Tuesday!
Clint and I walk in the door after work about the same time on Monday to immediately get in the car and head to Bible Study. Bible Study was amazing and the Holy Spirit was moving in that place! So excited about our group. As I was walking to meet Clint, after our study, I looked down at my phone and saw I had a missed call from Chantel and a text saying, "Call me now."
Clint and I immediately called her to find out that Clint's dad was being rushed to the hospital because he thought he was having a heart attack. After many hours/tests...he had a heart cath that determined his previously placed stents were blocked and he had to have two larger stents put in.
Clint and Chantel decided to leave this afternoon to be with their Dad. Dustin and I are holding down the fort in Shreveport. Praise God Mr. Greg is alive and doing well. Thanks for the prayers.
1. Praises for my husband stepping up to the plate and taking care of EVERYTHING, even more than normal, on Monday so that I didn't have to think about anything aside from work. Perfect timing from him all the way around.
2. Praises for my Mom who is in town and cleaned our house, cooked for us, grocery shopped for us, and has picked up all the pieces that neither one of us has had time for! HUGE HELP and I don't know what I would have done without it.
3. Praises that Mr. Greg is alive and in recovery.
4. Praises for new friends who are so encouraging and uplifting!
Prayer Requests:
1. Continued prayers for our Brother-In-Law, Dustin, who is still in remission from cancer. PT went well this past Monday. Please pray for his continued success with PT.
2. Prayers for Mr. Greg and his recovery from surgery. Quick healing, patience, change of lifestyle, and diligence through this process.
3. Prayers for Clint and Chantel as they travel back tomorrow from Alex.
4. Prayers for Clint as he travels to Denver, CO on Thursday-Monday for a conference.
5. Prayers for continued peace for Clint and me in the midst of craziness!!
6. Prayers for my job situation. That God's will be done whether that means me staying to God softening my heart to a really tough environment or God finding me a new place of employment.
Thanks again for all your prayers and thoughts. We really appreciate it. We can truly feel your prayers. Love you all. Have a wonderful week.
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Color Me Grey...Charcoal Grey!
Good Thursday Morning! We are almost there..Countdown to Friday!!!
We, the Davis's, are doing...O.K. We have been blessed with tons of community, a new house, friends and family moving into our town, and jobs which are all realllly great things, BUT sometimes it can be a little much! These past 2 months have been very overwhelming with all the action we have been a part of! I am so thankful for all of these blessings God has put in our lives, we just haven't had time to sit back, reflect, and most of all breathe.
So, that has been our focus of this week. Being at peace and having calmness in the midst of chaos.
I haven't blogged a lot, or any, about the job that God placed in my life last October 2011. Since day one it has pretty much been one of the hardest situations I have had to endure without being able to leave. Not only do I have to endure the complications of having a very difficult work environment, it weighs heavily on my husband who has to listen to all of the junk that comes from me being miserable at work (for 8 long hours a day). I have been searching for another job since I started the one I have. I know that God has me there for a reason and I have done my absolute best to try and focus in on what that reason might be, but I feel like I have reached my breaking point. And I am pretty sure Clint has as well. So, everything else outside of work is difficult for me because I am so worn out from the stress and anxiety I get from my workplace.
It is always very difficult to be in a bad situation yourself, but it is almost more difficult for your spouse to watch you go through a difficult situation and not be able to do anything but listen and give occasional advice. It is very frustrating and exhausting.
So, please pray for us. We need a sense of peace and calmness about my job situation. Please pray for me to be able to get out of the job that I am currently in. Please pray that I can differentiate and not bring my work home with me. Please pray that my emotions will not drown me in exhaustion taking away my alertness to be there for my husband, friends, family, and most of all God.
Ah. That feels good to get off my chest so that I can rest assured that I have my prayer warriors alert and ready to help me fight off this situation! God gave me a wonderful sense of hope yesterday. It was a very random situation; a marketer for a Home Health company came by to see the Social Worker at my facility. The Social Worker quit last Friday, so she wasn't there to talk with the marketer, so I invited this girl into my office. I was previously talking with our Speech Therapist and we were discussing how much we hate our jobs and all of the possibilities of where we could go! I introduced myself to the marketer and she said their only Dietitian just quit a few days back to take another job and they were searching for a new Dietitian. She immediately emailed her boss saying she had someone in mind for the job and left me with her number.
Just to get a sense of hope slapped in my face was such a breath of fresh air. It was so nice for God to send someone to just say, "Here. You see this? I know you are drowning. Just give me a little time! Be patient and remember my promises". It was so nice to get the giddy feeling of knowing I'm not stuck. I should be able to open my Bible and be filled with the hope God promises us every day, but after all, I am broken and human. So, thanks be to God for this girl delivering the piece of hope that I have been praying for.
House News:
Well. We haven't had much time to work on the house because of our crazy schedules. But, I did take some time this past weekend to paint our Master Bedroom. Clint had a golf outing with some guys from church, so I locked myself in the bedroom and painted until I could no longer stand. Thank God Clint came home when he did! I free-handed the trim, so it was taking me FOREVER! He helped me finish it up.
And it turned out BEAUTIFUL! A lovely shade of Charcoal Grey with white trim! Ahhhmazing!
(Pictures to come)
(Jennifer Wasson, Katie Schiro, Megan Gallien, Ellen Spencer, Kelli Millet, and Me!)
Excited for next week: My Mom is coming to spend Thursday-Monday with me to help me get the house in order and for things to feel like home! Lots of fabric shopping and one 101 trips to Lowes. I'm very thankful and excited!
37 days, 10 hours, 16 minutes till LSU's first kick-off! We need to get some dining room chairs ASAP! :)
Love you all. Have a great rest of the week and weekend.
Just to get a sense of hope slapped in my face was such a breath of fresh air. It was so nice for God to send someone to just say, "Here. You see this? I know you are drowning. Just give me a little time! Be patient and remember my promises". It was so nice to get the giddy feeling of knowing I'm not stuck. I should be able to open my Bible and be filled with the hope God promises us every day, but after all, I am broken and human. So, thanks be to God for this girl delivering the piece of hope that I have been praying for.
House News:
Well. We haven't had much time to work on the house because of our crazy schedules. But, I did take some time this past weekend to paint our Master Bedroom. Clint had a golf outing with some guys from church, so I locked myself in the bedroom and painted until I could no longer stand. Thank God Clint came home when he did! I free-handed the trim, so it was taking me FOREVER! He helped me finish it up.
And it turned out BEAUTIFUL! A lovely shade of Charcoal Grey with white trim! Ahhhmazing!
(Pictures to come)
Last Friday we went to a gender reveal party for our friends: The Merville's. Here is a cute pic we got of some of the girls from the Hopkins B Group (Sunday School Class). It was a boy!!! Yay for team blue!
1. Bless my Mom's heart that she came two weeks ago to help us wash all of our blinds and clean up around our house. She is a blessing from God. She is coming this next week too to help out. BIG PRAISE.
2. Clint's Great Aunt, "Aunt Tiny" was diagnosed with a brain tumor almost two weeks ago. She had surgery yesterday and it was a success! They removed all of the tumor and she will be doing chemo and radiation for the next month or so.
3. Dustin, Chantel, and the girls got moved in and everything is going really well for them! They have their house looking so cute! It is so nice being able to drive down the street to see our nieces...and our brother and sister in law!! :)
4. CJ finally got word that he is 100% moving to Shreveport! He signed paper on an apartment this past Monday and he moved in half of his stuff yesterday and the rest will come this weekend!
1. Continued prayers for our Brother-In-Law, Dustin, who is still in remission from cancer. He will be starting back to PT on Monday for a growth he has on his neck putting pressure on his nerves. Please pray for his success with PT.
2. Aunt Tiny's recovery. Prayers for her strength and endurance through chemo and radiation.
3. Prayers for Clint as he travels to Denver, CO next week for a conference.
4. Prayers for our friends, The Galliens. Megan is going away for a rotation for PT school. Her and her husband will be separated for quite some time. Please pray for their marriage, communication, and endurance through this difficult time.
5. Prayers for Clint and Me during this time of chaos. Prayers that we can enjoy all of the awesome things God has placed in our life without stress. Prayers that I can find a new job. Prayers that I can stop bringing work home and letting it interfere with our marriage and extra curricular activities.
Excited for next week: My Mom is coming to spend Thursday-Monday with me to help me get the house in order and for things to feel like home! Lots of fabric shopping and one 101 trips to Lowes. I'm very thankful and excited!
37 days, 10 hours, 16 minutes till LSU's first kick-off! We need to get some dining room chairs ASAP! :)
Love you all. Have a great rest of the week and weekend.
Saturday, July 7, 2012
Finally, We Are Home.
After a LONG, drawn out, emotionally, physically, and mentally draining buying/moving in process:
We Are Home.
To recap the process:
We put an offer in on our home on April 13th, 2012. We closed on June 1st, 2012. The sellers remained in our home from June 1st-June 30th under a post-occupancy agreement (essentially they rented our house from us). And we moved in June 30th, 2012.
We had A LOT of issues that happened over the past 3 months. Most of them were completely uncalled for and stressful. God was really working on someone's heart during this process. Thank you for all of your prayers for us. We did the best we could to remain Christ-like and calm during this process; however, it was very hard. There were quite a lot of tears shed Sunday, July 1st when we closed our garage for the last time in Bossier City. It was probably a mix of stress, exhaustion, anger, and sadness, but a solid 1hr cry happened. It was very strange going "home" to a house that you have owned for a month, but weren't allowed in. It took a few days of unpacking, HEAVY cleaning, and completely renovating the yard to really place our mark at our new home. It is finally beginning to feel like ours and we are in love.
In the midst of all this craziness, Clint received a really big job opportunity on Tuesday! We are very excited about all of the possibilities and doors God is opening up regarding this position! I will have him blog about it since there are so many details! Please pray for us during this process.
Thanks again to all the people who helped us move out and move in! We REALLY appreciate your patience and time. Some pictures of moving out:
Layla catching her last squirrel at the old house.
Thank God for the 24' truck!
Goodbye old house!
Strategically placing items!
Clint being hot!
The Moving Crew!
The Moving Crew (Silly Shot)!
We had 8 hours between loading the truck and unloading the truck, so we took a nap in Mr. Tracy and Mrs Julie's hotel room! The girls didn't have any trouble sleeping since they were fresh leaving the groomer!
At the New House:
Check out these before and after shots of the front:
We tore down the pergola and added brick columns with a wrought iron fence. The gate in the middle will be going up on Monday. We also have added a cedar fence along the back yard, but it won't be done till next week. Will post pics next week! Many more yard projects to come!! Excited.
I hung my first set of pictures today! I was very excited.
The girls having NO trouble making themselves at home. Loving their new floor to ceiling windows. Looks like we are going to have to invest in Windex!
Prayer Requests:
1. Please pray for The Wiley's as they move to Shreveport this coming weekend. Please pray that they will have great weather, easy transition, and plenty of help. Please pray that they feel well rested and prepared.
2. Please pray for CJ as he waits for the decision on whether or not he will be assigned/transferring to Shreveport.
3. Please pray for me and my patience/acceptance with my job.
4. Please pray for Clint and his new opportunity/job he received earlier this week (I will get him to post a blog about it).
5. Please pray for my Mom as she travels south to visit.
6. Please pray for Tracy as he travels to Columbia for work.
7. Please pray for Clint and me as we transition into our new house.
Thanks to all who pray with us and for us. We appreciate you so much. Please let us know when y'all want to come take a gander at the new place! Love y'all.
Saturday, June 16, 2012
Good Saturday Morning! I have been very behind on my blogging due to the move/packing/craziness! We have been busy, as always, and loving every second of it! Every time we begin to complain about being too busy/being tired of going-going-going, we remember how lonely we were when we first moved to Shreveport. Those first six months of not having a community was really hard! Seeing where God has brought us over the past year has been amazing and I cannot thank Him enough for the wonderful friends we have met over the last year, the jobs we have been blessed with (even though horrible at times), and our new home that God is preparing for us to live, and serve in, over the next however many years!
Well...updates are in order!
1. Dustin and Chantel (Clint's Sister and Brother-In-Law) along with their two little girls, Casey and Sarah Kate, live in Deville, LA, which is where Clint and his family are from. They have been feeling a longing for something "more" over the past year. They have tried to fill those voids with many things, but ultimately found out that they want to move to a city that is bigger that has more to offer for themselves and their girls. So...they put their house on the market on Sunday, June 3rd. They got an offer on their house in less than 24 hours! Then...they came to Shreveport for the weekend of June 8th and found a house and got their offer accepted! AH! God is doing all kinds of crazy things really quickly! So, the Wiley's will be moving to Shreveport around the middle of July! So many exciting opportunities for them. God is opening all kinds of doors for them and they are not even here yet. Please pray for The Wiley's to have an easy transition, a sense of peace, and for the Wiley's to have lots of courage to meet new people and start being a part of a community. Change is always difficult for everyone and I pray their transition will be painless and quick.
2. Clint's best friend, CJ Rachal, who through many years has also become one of my best friends, is ALSO moving to Shreveport from Pineville, LA, which is right outside of Deville, LA. Clint is so excited! CJ works for the ARMY and he got transfer orders to move here. We are not sure of the exact moving date yet, but you would think someone told Clint he won a million dollars! Hahah. We are so happy for CJ and his new opportunity. CJ's girl friend, Ashley Price, live in Texarkana, TX, so this will be MUCH easier on them as well going from 3.5 hours away to 1.5 hours away! Again, please pray for an easy transition. Please pray for CJ to be able to find a home that is affordable.
3. This weekend we are headed to Deville, LA to celebrate Father's Day with Clint's Dad, Mr. Greg. Unfortunately Clint's Step-Dad, Mr. Tracy will not be there :( He is out of town for work. We are super bummed about that.
4. My Mom and Dad are coming next weekend!!!! WOOHOOO. They are still in California for a job my Dad is on. I am so pumped for my Dad to get to see our new house! I'm sure Mom needs a refresher from the first time she saw it, so I am very excited for that.
That is about it for updates! 14 days till we move into the new house! We will be loading up the moving truck on Saturday,June 30th and officially moving in on Sunday, July 1st!!!! Cannot wait!
1. Please pray for our friends, The Spencer's. They will be having their baby girl, Lydia, any day now. Please pray for safety and quick recovery.
2. Please pray for a dear friend whose husband is looking for a job. Pray that God will bless them with an opportunity to help provide for their growing family.
3. Please pray for our friends, The Gibbon's. They are about ~19 weeks along with their little boy Landry. Prayers for continued safety for their pregnancy.
4. Prayers for a safe flight and travels for my follks.
5. Prayers for an easy move for us!
6. Prayers for possible job opportunities.
Thanks for your prayers and thoughts over the years. We love you all!
Friday, June 1, 2012
Officially Home Owners in Shreveport, LA 71106
CLOSING DAY 6/1/12!!!!
Taking the For Sale sign down!
SOLD TO US! On our new front porch!
This is our new home!
South Highlands in Shreveport, LA 71106
3 Bedroom, 2.5 Bath

This is the front. Inside the brick is a front courtyard!

Inside the courtyard.
View from Delaware
View of Delaware
View of Line Avenue

Front door!

Front Porch

Guest Bedroom 1


Master Bath



Dining Room

Formal Living Room

Guest Bathroom

Back Porch
Back Deck
Back Yard from Front Porch
Quite a few rooms missing in these pictures- but we will have more pictures to come with our stuff actually in the house at a later date!!!
MOVE IN: 7/3/12
MOVE IN: 7/3/12
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Oh So Close!
YAY! Today we found out that the VA Appraisal came through! There are no improvements the sellers have to make to the home, so we are on the home stretch (No Pun Intended)!
Closing date is still set for June 1st!
For all of you who know me tooooo well:
Yes, I did come home and start packing! I just can't help it! Type A is just spilling out everywhere and I cannot control myself!!! LOVE IT!
For all of you who know Addie tooooo well:
Yes, she is glued to my leg. She is wondering where in the world I am taking her AGAIN! Poor thing. World traveler since day 1!
Layla and Clint are good to go! :)
To catch everyone up on where we have been:
Friday May 4- Sunday May 6th:
Clint, Layla, Addie, and I went to Bella Vista to see my Mom for the weekend. She loaded us up with lots of goodies for the new house! She gave us her lawn mower, outdoor umbrella, bicycle, our 1st Christmas Tree, and a coffee table! We are pumped! We did a little hiking with the girls and took them to see a waterfall. Mom got a new baby grand piano, so we gave Clint a performance and he had to join in at the end! He found the music to a song from Smash, so we were set!
Friday May 11th- Sunday May 13th:
Clint, Layla, Addie, and I went to Deville to see Clint's family. We had a great time! Our nieces are getting so big! We went to our niece, Casey's, tee-wee ball game (She is 3) on Friday night! Saturday afternoon we had a family dinner with Mrs. Julie (Clint's Mom), Neicy (Clint's Grandmother), and Dustin & Chantel with their girls. I went out to eat with Mrs. Cindy (Clint's Step-Mom), Dana (Clint's Sister), and Chantel (Clint's Sister) for Mrs. Cindy's 50th birthday and Mothers Day celebration! Very fun!
Everything is going great! We are just excited beyond measures to get into the new house and to have everyone over to hang out!
Move in date is still set for Tuesday, July 3rd! So, anyone who is able to help during the day on Tuesday, PLEASE let us know.
We can use all the help we can get!
1. Dustin, Bro-In-Law, Dr.'s appointment for his numbness in his arm/bone spur over his nerves in neck is on May 22nd here in Shreveport. Please pray for answers and prayers for healing.
2. Prayers for everything to go smoothly until we move into the house.
3. Prayers for my job and the stress it entails on a daily basis.
4. Prayers for Clint's neck; he has a chronic muscle strain. Will start PT on Thursday. Prayers for quick recovery and that he can learn ways to stretch and keep it AWAY!
1. VA Appraisal came through smoothly! Praise God! So excited!!!!
As always, thanks for your prayers! God is faithful! Please let us know if we can pray for you and your family. Love you all!
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Whirlwind Of a Week
Laying on the couch with my coffee and my girls...ahhh...I feel relaxed. I needed a breather for this Sat AM!
Tuesday, April 17th: We had our inspection on our "potentially new home". All in all, the inspection went really smooth. There wasn't anything "huge" that needed to be replaced. The sellers were very quick to fix the problems that were found and let us know as quickly as possible, which was very nice. So, the next step is the VA appraisal which will be some time next week. Prayers for a smooth process for the sellers and ourselves.
Wednesday, April 18th: I received a call from Mom saying that Nana (her Step-Mom) was in the ER at St. Francis in Monroe, LA. Nana had a Dr.'s appointment that morning and her pulse was low and her blood pressure was high. So, without even skipping a beat, I knew that I needed to be with her. I came home, packed my bags and headed to Monroe to stay with her. Small hiccup on the way there...I-20E and I-20W was CLOSED! So...it took me 3.5 hours to get to Monroe (which is a 1.75 hour drive). There was a semi carrying explosives that wrecked on the interstate! Eeek. Thank you God for letting me miss that wreck.
I got to Monroe about 8pm that evening. Poor thing; she had been in the ER from 11:30AM-11:00PM. She was admitted at 11PM and taken to a room for to be monitored for the night and to see a cardiologist the next day. If any of you have ever stayed in the hospital for a night...it isn't the best nights sleep of your life...especially if you are the one on the plastic roll out chair.
Thursday, April 19th: The cardiologist finally showed up at 5PM. We ruled out all blockages and aneurysms. He narrowed our scope down to low thyroid or decreased electrical impulses, which would mean eventually getting a pacemaker. So, she will go to see the cardiologist again this coming week to review lab work. Thank God! Very minor diagnoses for 80 years old! By the way, this was her FIRST (yes, FIRST) ever hospital stay. She took off her hospital bracelet when we were leaving and put it in her bag as a "souvenir"! Haha. (If any of you know Nana...it was a pretty hilarious hospital stay.)
I made it home around 9PM and crashed. Mom drove down to relieve me. She made it to Bernice at 9PM that night to stay with Nana for the weekend.
[ P.S. I received my Louisiana License to practice Dietetics and Nutrition on Thursday!!! FINALLY!!!]
Friday, April 19th: After sleeping in what I never remembered was the most comfortable mattress in the world, Clint and I were getting coffee in the kitchen when I felt a little wet on the bottom of my foot. There was water coming from somewhere...the hunt was on. After about 2 hours of mopping up water and searching for water, we found a small leak behind the fridge. At this point, we figured we might as well start cleaning the house since we had out the vacuum, mop, and we were hosting a baby shower that evening. We cleaned the house top to bottom and soaked up all the water.
That evening, we hosted a baby shower for Bob and Tiffany Green for our B-group (Sunday school class). We had a great turn out; about 20 people came to bless the Green's with essentials for 'Lil G, play games, and enjoy each other's company! We had a great time!
So, needless to say...I'm kind of pooped. I am so glad that God gave me the opportunity to be with my Nana in her time of need. After having 20 people in a 1100 square foot home, I am SUPER excited that God is blessing us with a bigger house to host more people. We love to have people in our home...we would just like for them to be able to walk around without bumping into one another!
This week I have been surrounded by the lesson of being patient and realizing that God's plan is way better than anything we could have in mind. It is insulting to God when we get frustrated with the way things go when He is planning all things out for good. If we were to try to do the same, we would fail miserably because: we are not God and we do not see what He sees. I am focusing on being more patient with: 1. Traffic/Other's driving Skills (Yes, I have road rage) & 2. Being patient when something "unexpected" happens (Yes, I am controlling). Those are probably two of the most frequently occurring events that I get instantly frustrated/mad/out of control! What makes you instantly upset/mad to where you try to control the situation without focusing of the good?
Mom comes Sunday afternoon to stay with us and will get to go see the new house on Monday!!! I'm so excited for her to see it! Will be so much easier to decorate over the phone with her having a visual!! Yay!
Prayer Requests:
Tuesday, April 17th: We had our inspection on our "potentially new home". All in all, the inspection went really smooth. There wasn't anything "huge" that needed to be replaced. The sellers were very quick to fix the problems that were found and let us know as quickly as possible, which was very nice. So, the next step is the VA appraisal which will be some time next week. Prayers for a smooth process for the sellers and ourselves.
Wednesday, April 18th: I received a call from Mom saying that Nana (her Step-Mom) was in the ER at St. Francis in Monroe, LA. Nana had a Dr.'s appointment that morning and her pulse was low and her blood pressure was high. So, without even skipping a beat, I knew that I needed to be with her. I came home, packed my bags and headed to Monroe to stay with her. Small hiccup on the way there...I-20E and I-20W was CLOSED! So...it took me 3.5 hours to get to Monroe (which is a 1.75 hour drive). There was a semi carrying explosives that wrecked on the interstate! Eeek. Thank you God for letting me miss that wreck.
I got to Monroe about 8pm that evening. Poor thing; she had been in the ER from 11:30AM-11:00PM. She was admitted at 11PM and taken to a room for to be monitored for the night and to see a cardiologist the next day. If any of you have ever stayed in the hospital for a night...it isn't the best nights sleep of your life...especially if you are the one on the plastic roll out chair.
Thursday, April 19th: The cardiologist finally showed up at 5PM. We ruled out all blockages and aneurysms. He narrowed our scope down to low thyroid or decreased electrical impulses, which would mean eventually getting a pacemaker. So, she will go to see the cardiologist again this coming week to review lab work. Thank God! Very minor diagnoses for 80 years old! By the way, this was her FIRST (yes, FIRST) ever hospital stay. She took off her hospital bracelet when we were leaving and put it in her bag as a "souvenir"! Haha. (If any of you know Nana...it was a pretty hilarious hospital stay.)
I made it home around 9PM and crashed. Mom drove down to relieve me. She made it to Bernice at 9PM that night to stay with Nana for the weekend.
[ P.S. I received my Louisiana License to practice Dietetics and Nutrition on Thursday!!! FINALLY!!!]
Friday, April 19th: After sleeping in what I never remembered was the most comfortable mattress in the world, Clint and I were getting coffee in the kitchen when I felt a little wet on the bottom of my foot. There was water coming from somewhere...the hunt was on. After about 2 hours of mopping up water and searching for water, we found a small leak behind the fridge. At this point, we figured we might as well start cleaning the house since we had out the vacuum, mop, and we were hosting a baby shower that evening. We cleaned the house top to bottom and soaked up all the water.
That evening, we hosted a baby shower for Bob and Tiffany Green for our B-group (Sunday school class). We had a great turn out; about 20 people came to bless the Green's with essentials for 'Lil G, play games, and enjoy each other's company! We had a great time!
So, needless to say...I'm kind of pooped. I am so glad that God gave me the opportunity to be with my Nana in her time of need. After having 20 people in a 1100 square foot home, I am SUPER excited that God is blessing us with a bigger house to host more people. We love to have people in our home...we would just like for them to be able to walk around without bumping into one another!
This week I have been surrounded by the lesson of being patient and realizing that God's plan is way better than anything we could have in mind. It is insulting to God when we get frustrated with the way things go when He is planning all things out for good. If we were to try to do the same, we would fail miserably because: we are not God and we do not see what He sees. I am focusing on being more patient with: 1. Traffic/Other's driving Skills (Yes, I have road rage) & 2. Being patient when something "unexpected" happens (Yes, I am controlling). Those are probably two of the most frequently occurring events that I get instantly frustrated/mad/out of control! What makes you instantly upset/mad to where you try to control the situation without focusing of the good?
Mom comes Sunday afternoon to stay with us and will get to go see the new house on Monday!!! I'm so excited for her to see it! Will be so much easier to decorate over the phone with her having a visual!! Yay!
Prayer Requests:
1. Brother-In-Law, had an MRI on Wednesday which showed that his spinal cord had a bone growth inside the top of the neck spine that is covering his nerves. This is causing his left side to go numb. Waiting on appointment with Neurosurgeon to discuss surgery and severity. MRI of brain is still stable. Please pray for the options of surgery and safety.
2. Prayers that our VA appraisal will go smooth and that everyone can remain calm.
3. Prayers my Mom traveling home safely.
4. Prayers for Nana's results of lab work and cardiologist appointment.
5. Prayers for patience for Clint and me. 10 weeks is a long time and we are VERY excited about the new house!!!!
1. Nana's hospital visit did not reveal anything major.
2. My license finally came in ! Woohoo.
Have an awesome weekend! Love y'all!
Friday, April 13, 2012
Home Owners? Yes, Please!
We put an offer in on a home yesterday, Thursday 4/12/12.
It was accepted today!!!! WOOHOOO!
Our closing date will be June 1st!! Our move in date will be July 1st!
that our VA loan process is SMOOTH and our inspections go VERY smoothly.
1st inspection will be on Tuesday, April 17th.
Then on to the VA appraisal later next week!
Patiently await pictures and address once everything is finalized!!! EEEK!
And the anticipation continues to arise...
Easter weekend was wonderful! My Mom came in town for the weekend and we had the best time! Of course we didn't get a picture from Easter Sunday (when we were all lookin' good), but we did capture the " 1st Crawfish Eating of the 2012 Season" picture! Here you go:
Mom about to indulge in the goodness!
About to dig in!
And a special extra of Grandma and Adds!
Thursdays have been very exciting days for us recently. Ever since I passed my exam (3/13/12- woohoo!) I have had something awesome happen on a Thursday! Weird...I know. [More details to come on all the "exciting" things!] Please pray for potential changes in our lives that may be coming. Please pray that we can be open to change and that we will let God work in the ways He will in our lives.
We do not have any plans for this weekend-WHAT? I know! Shocking! So, we are excited to take it easy!
Prayer Requests:
1. Brother-In-Law, Dustin's brain cancer to stay in remission as well as some pains he has been having recently. Pray that his pains subside and he is free of hurt.
2. Please pray for our housing situation!
3. Please pray for a job situation in our family.
4. Please pray for my Mom and her neck/spine pains. Pray for pains to subside and for her to be relieved from pain.
1. I passed my test! (YES...this is STILL on the praise list. And probably always will be!)
2. We are healthy!
3. We are so privileged to live in a country that is free and where we have running water at our disposal, air conditioning/heat, food readily available. We are very blessed.
Love all of you. Please send prayer requests to
jaciejdavis@gmail.com or clintdavis27@gmail.com.
We would love to pray for you.
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Home At Last
Very happy to be home at last! Friday night we kept our nieces for the evening. We had a blast with them; they are just too cute. Saturday: Wedding #2 (Mitcham-Tullos Wedding) went very well. Everything was very beautiful! We enjoyed our back to back weekends of weddings, but we are happy to be home and glad we are not leaving this weekend!!
My Mom is coming in Thursday, April 5th, to stay for the Easter weekend! EXCITED!!!
Please continue to keep us in your prayers this week as we have some exciting things God is putting in front of us! Details to come :)
Here are some pictures from Saturday night:
Chantel (Sister-In-Law), Dustin (Brother-In-Law), Clint, and Me
Clint and Me dancing
Dustin and Chantel
(Brother-In-Law & Sister-In-Law)
Mrs. Julie (Mother-In-Law) & Clint
Have a Great Sunday Evening!!!
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Wedding Weekend Round 2
We had an amazing time in Little Rock, AR at our friends, Stephen and Katy McMullan's wedding! It was a blast! The happy couple looked absolutely fabulous and their wedding was beautiful! Clint did an AMAZING job officiating his first wedding! No one could believe it was his first wedding nor believe that he was nervous! He looked great! It was also hilarious to hear everyone call him "The Pastor"! They were sure surprised at his dance moves at the reception! I cannot tell you how many older ladies exclaimed, "Look at the Pastor dancing! Hahah!!"
We really enjoyed the drive up and back with Jordan and Peyton Gibbons. They are truly hilarious and wonderful company. All of our friends stayed at the Peabody, so it was really fun to just run across the hall and talk throughout the weekend; CJ and Ashley, The Gibbon's, The Beech's, and The Davis'. What a blast! Peyton, Ash, and I got to go to breakfast on Sat morning then shopping until we had to go back to the hotel and get ready for the wedding. Then the whole crew went to the same cafe Sunday morning/afternoon for brunch. Very fun!
I have attached some photos from the night of the wedding. We forgot to take pictures at the rehearsal dinner...of course! But all in all...great times with GREAT friends. Wouldn't trade it for the world!
Tomorrow we will be traveling to Deville, LA to see Clint's family and go to a wedding. I am super excited to see the family!
Prayer Requests:
1. Continued prayers for my brother-in-law, Dustin, that his brain cancer will stay in remission.
2. Prayers for job situation.
3. Prayers for a potential house.
Love y'all!
Clint about to leave to officiate his 1st wedding!! Isn't he hot!?
Clint and I at the reception.
CJ and Ashley!
Jordan and Peyton Gibbons!
Me and Ash
My girl Laura and I
Awww! The Beech's!
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