Tuesday, September 27, 2011

God's Timing is Always Perfect

It has been almost 3 weeks since our last post and I am completely blown away by the changes that have happened in that short amount of time. Jacie here and this is a long post!

The weekend of Sept 9-11th, Clint and I were supposed to go to Deville, LA (Clint's hometown) to celebrate our niece, Sarah Kate's, birthday. Clint was feeling "under the weather" with what I think was a sinus infection and I sealed the deal with getting the stomach bug on Thursday which put me in the ER early Friday morning! So...we didn't leave town. That was a rough weekend.

The following week on Wednesday (Sept 14th), we had Clint's sister, Chantel and her husband, Dustin, come into town and stay with us for Sarah Kate's eye surgery that I have been putting on our prayer list. Thursday was her surgery and it went very well. Poor baby. I got to see her in the recovery room and it was heart breaking, but the surgery was successful. Praise God.

Friday (Sept 16th) of that same week we got to go to Deville for the weekend and celebrate Sarah Kate's birthday and see family. Clint's Papa (Mother's Father) has CHF and his health is declining. It is heart breaking for Clint to be in Shreveport (2 hours away from his home) and not be able to help his Grandparents out on a daily basis. Clint was able to help set up Papa's hospital bed in his room and help Papa to understand that this isn't an ideal situation, but it is what is best for both him and his wife (whom we call Neicy!). I think Clint received a lot of closure and fulfillment from helping them when he hasn't been able to do that due to distance. Such an answer to prayer.

So, we traveled back to Shreveport Sat night (Sept 17th). Normally we would stay the entire weekend, but Clint and I decided to get back into church shopping (hate that phrase) after a 3 month break from our previous church shopping adventure. We have been in such a strange time in life! I have finished my dietetics program, but I can't find a job; Clint has a job, but could move if it was needed, although he would lose all his hours; we don't have kids or a house to tie us down; we have no community...so...after a year of trying to find a church and not feeling like God was telling us to stay in Shreveport...we gave up on trying to form roots in Shreveport.

Well, over the past week, I met with one of my best friend's, Grace Rogers, and we had a conversation about how miserable I was in Shreveport and how I have got to find a community or we are going to have to move...bla bla bla...and she suggested we should try Broadmoor Baptist Church and I told her..." No way...I'm not going to a Legalistic Southern Baptist Church...not gonna happen"! At the same time, Clint met a new friend through his work, Phil, and he was not a Shreveport native, non-denominational, and was also telling us that Broadmoor would be a great fit for us...(So crazy to watch God place little seeds in your life!)

SOOO...Sunday (Sept 18th), we decided to try Broadmoor Baptist Church in Shreveport (after much kicking and screaming from me- not wanting to go to a Baptist Church). Of course we got there about 35 minutes early (for all of you who know Clint...this is typical...and for all of you who know me-- I should get a lot of praise because I was SUPER on time!) Within the first 5 minutes of being there, we met Aimee & Tyler Hennessee (the worship leaders) who are our age, married, with no kids. Loved them straight off the bat. They both invited us to Small Groups and "B groups"(Sunday school). Then...Ellen Spencer came over to us before the service and introduced herself and invited us to their "B group". We just felt the love of community...immediately. We left the service feeling like God was FINALLY giving us an answer after over a year of praying for direction.

Clint and I went to lunch at Newk's and Ellen and her husband Justin Spencer were there with friends and invited us to sit with them. We fell in love with them too (even though they are Auburn fans, haha, at least they weren't AL fans...then there would have been a problem!!)! Ellen invited me to come to a sewing class on Monday's at her home on Barksdale Airforce Base. God was just showering us with gifts this Sunday. It was SO REFRESHING.

THEN...Clint and I both visited Bible studies. I attended one on Mondays and Clint's is on Tuesdays. We both met some great people and we are just overwhelmed. We met Amber and Daniel Speir who are also new to Shreveport, by a year, newly married, no kids, and completely at the same stage in life we are at. LOVE THEM! So...we automatically have 3 couples we love...straight off the bat...Who is this God we serve? The timing is impeccable. I couldn't have planned it better myself....duhhhh!

So since then, we have had people over to our house and already planned things for upcoming weekends and just spent time fellow-shipping with these new found friends and it is like breathing in a different way here in Shreveport for the first time. We know we are incredibly blessed before all of these things happened and we know that God was going to bring this to us in the perfect timing, but boy was the wait difficult and trying. But...in the end...it was worth it. So much growth always comes from these trials we have in life.

All during this time, back to my best friend Grace we were talking about. She is a Real Estate agent and I am always looking at the market...so I found a house that was in a new neighborhood, great price, and the builder was offering to pay closing costs! This situation would perfectly suit us since we don't exactly have a hefty savings account. So, I called her up to see if we could just "go look at it for fun". Well...I fell in love with it. Then, the next day, Clint and I sat down to have the..."what are we doing with our lives" conversation. Since God has put this new community in our lives and really we both felt like God was speaking to us and telling us..."y'all need to stay in Shreveport a little while longer...I have things planned for y'all". It is amazing what a community can do to your perspective on a town. We both looked at one another and said...I think we should buy a house in Shreveport. I think this is where God wants us for a while longer right now. So, Clint went and saw the house...and he loved it! So...we have spoken with the lender and ...once again...everything is contingent upon me getting a job.

(And again...SOOOO...) I have had random people within the last couple of days tell me that they know people in Shreveport that are looking for Dietitians. I have given them my resumes and I'm playing the waiting game. BUT...last night I had a friend from college, Kelly, call with another job opportunity. There is a position for a pharmaceutical sales rep in Shreveport with a company she just started working for. She told me all the in's and out's of the business and I was able to ask all questions, which was really nice. I really trust her opinion and it is nice to be able to have a friend tell you exactly what she has had to do as far as the company is concerned. Once again it feels like God is dropping opportunities in front of us like flies. It is overwhelming. She told me they are wanting to move very quickly on the position and I sent my resume last night.

So. We need serious prayers right now.

Prayer Requests:
1. Brother-In-Law, Dustin, kidney labs came back abnormal within the last week. Prayers that his labs will normalize and that he will have continued healing through this process.
2. Sister-In-Law, Chantel, that she will have peace through this process of her husband having brain cancer and the uncertainty of every day.
3. Papa's condition. He will be without pain and suffering.
4. Scott Last, Clint's best friend, Andrew Last's dad, had a random brain bleed, underwent brain surgery, induced coma, needs prayer for healing and no brain damage.
5. Prayers for us during this time of overwhelming blessings, but uncertainty. During intense blessings it is hard to not be scared that everything is going to get swiped out from up-underneath you. A peace of mind.
6. Prayers for Jacie a job. God will put her in the right position for her.
7. Prayers for if we are supposed to get this house that everything will work out the way it is supposed to.
8. Prayers for our new community. That God will continue to bless these amazing people He has put in our lives. That we will have conversations and discussions that are pleasing to Him and that we can influence one another to strive to bring the Kingdom of God to Earth now.
9. Prayers for a new marriage- Adam and Jess Fair. Recently married this past weekend. That God will cover them during this beginning period. That Satan will leave their marriage alone.

1. Thank God for a church we can call home.
2. Thank God for new beginnings in the midst of what we thought was a hopeless situation.
3. Thank God for people we can call friends and that we feel like we have great connection.
4. Thank God for possibilities of job opportunities.
5. Thank God for a place we can call home opportunity.
6. Thank God for Adam and Jess and their marriage that happened this past weekend.
7. Thank God that my Mom made it home safely from her trips.

And as always...Thank God for the LSU Tigers! hahahah WOOOHOOOO! #1 Whoop Whoop!

P.S. Addie turned 6 on Monday, Sept 19th! For all of you who did not wish her a Happy Bday...well...she says ...Brrfff on you!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

We Decided To Risk It Anyway...

Hey guys! It's Jacie! Here is a quick catch-up on our last week!

Well. "Bad news" first: Wednesday, August 31st, I found out I did not get the job we were praying so hard for here in Shreveport. Thursday, September 1st, started out as a very nerve-racking/upsetting day; I failed my Registered Dietitian's Examination. So...needless to say...I was not a very happy girl. After I dropped some much needed curse words over and over and over...again...Clint called. After some encouragement he helped me to come to the conclusion that this one just MIGHT have been out of my hands. I explained to him that, "This is like when you played your absolute best on the soccer field and you gave EVERYTHING you possibly could...and you still lost...and didn't make the final penalty kick." I have been studying non-stop for 3 months and I still just barely failed...and that is a hard one to swallow. So, at the end of the day, when you know that you did everything you could, and gave it your all, there is possibly some other reason I didn't pass. There is some other reason that I did not get that job on Wednesday. So, I am holding tight to the promise that God gives me that He has a plan that is much bigger than anything I can imagine and if I can just sit tight a little bit longer, it will all be worth it.

Good News:

So...we left immediately after my test to head down to Perdido Key, FL where we were having our Beach Trip Reunion with some ole undergrad buddies! Yes...we knew Tropical Storm Lee was in the Gulf of Mexico, but that did not stop us from going.

A little rain and wind was not going to stop this party. And it didn't. We had an amazing time! In between the CRAZY winds and rain, the boys were able to get in the ocean and ride some waves and in between Avery's naps, we played some much needed games. So Much Fun! P.S.- LSU won their 1st game of the 2011-2012 season! Whoop Whoop.

I also got to meet my best friend, Erica's little girl, Avery, for the first time and she is just the most amazing little girl ever; she looks like a tiny porcelain doll. I was so blown away by how patient, calming, and self-sacrificing of a Mother Erica was; it was so refreshing to see such outstanding parenting.

Friendship is just the cure for a little down-in the dump virus. They are always there to call you on your crap, pick you up, set you down on your feet, and give you a little hug and a kiss while patting you on the butt and telling you to get going again. What a relief to have amazing people in your life. Of course we wish we could all be in the same community, but for now, trips will have to do.

I feel so revived after spending 7 days with our closest friends. Now, after not having checked my email for 7 days...I have a lot of work to do before we leave again tomorrow for our niece's, Sarah Kate, 1st birthday party. Ahh!

1. Brother-In-Law, Dustin, brain tumor scan came back with no additional growth!
2. Made it to FL and back safely.
3. Layla's Staph infection is clearing up nicely.

Prayer Requests:
1. Our niece, Sarah Kate, is having eye surgery next Thursday, September 15th, the day before her first birthday! Pray that everything goes smoothly with a quick recovery.
2. Brother-In-Law, Dustin, brain tumor scans continue to come back without growth.
3. Patience for Clint and me as we journey through this time of unknown.
4. Clint and me can find a new church/community to call home.
5. Clint to recover quickly from sickness.

Clint, Jacie, Addie, and Layla